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A Guide To Faster Learning: How to Get Better At Using Guitar Forums



Guitar Forums are a great way to connect with other members in the music community. In the days of the internet musicians are no longer stuck posting ads in the newspaper and having to go out to music venues to meet other musicians.


Ever since the concepts of forums were first created in the late 70’s we began to see new communities grow and connect in ways no one had ever thought possible. Industry professionals were learning new techniques from people building guitars out of their basements! Suddenly even newbies were learning how to fix their guitars, and you didn’t have to spend 40 bucks at your local guitar store every time you wanted your strings changed. The world got bigger and the best got better.


However, unfortunately, when you expand the reach of your group, you’re going to meet people who are “misinformed”. While it’s great to have a healthy debate on a subject, especially with a problem that has multiple or no clear solutions, but sometimes people may misinterpret differing opinions as an attack and may try to start a fight with you, in these cases is it simply best to move on as this has no value to you whatsoever.


Remember: Each interaction should have a point, whether you’re looking for answers, clarifying a question or just saying “Thank you” Every thread you post should have a good reason behind it and uplift or add to the central growth of your group. If your thread doesn’t do this, don’t post it.


A good way to avoid having someone misinterpret what you’re trying to say is to define your problems and ideas as clearly and as comprehensible as possible. Do you know what the worst question to receive as a guitar teacher is? “How do I get faster at guitar?” Okay, how am I supposed to interpret that? Are you trying to get your speed picking? Or maybe you actually have a legato lick that you’re struggling to play with? If you’re not clear on what you need help with, you may not get the help you need at all. Don’t be afraid to elaborate on your questions. The more context you provide the more people are going to be able to help you.


That being said, be consistent. Don’t just pop up, ask a question and then leave for 3 months. Go back, check in, see what people have posted at the end of the week. People have different schedules and the people who are alway online on Tuesday, might not see your question on Thursday. Coincidentally you might not see somebody else’s post that you totally might be able to help them with!


Not only does it feel good to help other people but it’s always good to go back to basics and I find that helping teach things to people who have less experience than me can really help you to keep sharp on things that may not always be at the front of your mind, when’s the last time YOU played a Bmaj7 Chord? Sometimes things get a little dusty so it’s always good to brush up on what you already know. Also don’t be afraid to express your gratitude when you receive help. Forums are free and nobody has to help you, many people forget that.


The best part about guitar forums is that many people also use them as a form of blog to share problems they’ve had and things they’ve learned. Everybody thinks differently and so we act differently and therefore we each face different problems. One of the many goldmines in forums comes from people showing you how they solved problems you didn’t even know you had! You might not know the next time you’re gonna need to know how to use an iron rod to adjust your guitar neck, but now you know.


So when it comes to getting better with using guitar forums, Don’t be afraid to meet new people. Ask questions that give just a *little* too much information And don’t forget to show up!


Xander Rose Stone is a metal guitar teacher based out of colorado If you would like to learn more about the author please visit:

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